Cambridge Program Friends started several years ago with a small group of devoted parents with individuals attending the program. We formalized the group two years ago getting 501C3 status and becoming a charitable non-profit. We create inclusive fundraisers with a mission to provide greater opportunities to the eighty plus active participants of the Cambridge Program. We welcome new ideas and invite volunteerism!
If you'd like to learn more about us, please watch our YouTube video on the home page!
Co-President: Susan Nadworny
Susan Nadworny is a lifelong advocate for individuals with disabilities and their families, helping to pass laws to advance support. She lives in Melrose with her husband John, and son James. James has been attending the Cambridge Program for the last ten years and loves every minute!
Nancy is a lifelong Cantabridgian, who learned first hand from her parents the late Mayors Leonard and Sheila Russell the value of civic involvement. Nancy has been an advocate for individuals with special needs for the last 27 years. She lives with her husband Ed, and their sons Patrick and Timothy. Patrick has been attending the Cambridge Program for the last twelve years and has made many friends and enjoys every aspect of the program!
Co-President: Nancy Grabowski
Treasurer: Judy Medeiros-Adams
Retired MIT Administrator after 35 years. Long time and strong special needs advocate for Kristina (daughter) and Roseanne Medeiros (sister). Kristina has been part of the Cambridge Program Community for 20+ years and has made life long friendships. The importance of the Cambridge Program cannot be overstated. Community support is key in enriching the lives of the people the Cambridge Program serves.
Mari Watson (Secretary) started working with the Cambridge Program when she was a senior in high school and worked for the Cambridgeshire Program for nearly 8 years. Her sister Kelly, is a program participant. What keeps Mari involved with the Cambridge Program is the opportunity to stay connected with the participants and watch them shine. Her favorite yearly event is the play in December. She also loves watching clients participating in Special Olympics sport events. In her spare time, Mari plays on a dart league.
Secretary: Mari Watson
Diane Ravin
Diane Ravin works in the medical field for the last 35 years. She lives in Melrose with her son Michael, who has been a Cambridge Program participant since 1999. Diane is invested in supporting the needs of this wonderful program. She is inspired by their enthusiasm along with the love & kindness they show one another. Community support enriches all of us as we grow together.